A subscription book service from your favorite booksellers at the Jersey Shore

One staff-selected paperback at your door every month


Hand-Packaged by booksellers who love reading as much as you do

When it comes to book recommendations, BookTowne (an independent bookstore in Manasquan, NJ) has earned the trust of our community over the past 12 years.  Whether you are a frequent customer or live far away,  BookTide will deliver the experience of our tiny bookstore right to your door.

1. Sign Up

Choose the BookTide subscription plan that works best for you.

2.  We Find you the Perfect Book

Our dedicated staff selects an amazing new paperback and hand-packages every box

3. Your Box is Delivered

Happy Reading!

We live in South Carolina but are from Manasquan, and recently bought a house here near our children. So now wherever we are, I can look forward to my next BookTIDE mailing!

M. Nordell, SC

Books I never would have picked-and I would have been missing out!

S. Rendfrey, Fairlawn NJ

Easiest gift EVER, for a book lover--selections are great! Can't wait for my next friend's birthday!

M. Cunningham, Brick NJ

Get the next batch

Sign up by the 14th of each month to receive your BookTIDE Box the top of the next month.


How often will I get this box?

Your BookTide box will be delivered to your door every month

What types of books are chosen?

Right now our BookTide selections will always be paperback fiction, but we hope to expand to more options in the future. Books will be hand-selected by our staff, so you will be able to discover new books with the assurance that someone you trust has read and loved it before you.

What's in the box?

In every box you will get a staff-selected book, and one copy of IndieNext's book recommendations for the month.

Can I Return Books from my BookTide Box?

As we are intentionally choosing great books that have been overlooked, it is unlikely that we will choose a book you have already read. However, if you have,  or it is a book you simply do not like, we encourage you to gift that month's book to  someone you know who would enjoy it.